Using scenarios methodology, Shirin Elahi works with organizations to make sense of complex global risks and adapt to unexpected change. Elahi’s consulting focuses on examining the uncertainty and looking for existing signals that indicate a likelihood of unanticipated change in the future. Elahi runs her consultancy, Scenarios Architecture Ltd., and is Director of Scenarios and Innovation at Normann Partners, a Scandinavian scenarios and strategy consultancy.
Elahi has worked on numerous scenario projects with a regional and global focus, including research into the future of HIV/AIDS in Africa, global development and sustainable energy, uninsured losses from natural hazards, the impacts of existing financial systems, and the future of the intellectual property system. Her clients have included the European Patent Office (EPO), Shell International Ltd., and UNAIDS. She has lectured and published widely on risk and uncertainty, fairness, and change management.
Elahi joined Open AIR in 2011 and led and managed the network’s scenario-building work from 2011 to 2013. Her work resulted in the publication Knowledge and Innovation in Africa: Scenarios for the Future (Open AIR, 2013).