Open AIR’s North African hub, The Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) at the American University in Cairo’s Onsi Sawiris School of Business, developed and launched the MENA Observatory on Responsible AI in February 2024. The Observatory will serve as a hub for any and all things relevant to responsible AI in the Middle East and North Africa region.

The Observatory is envisioned to be a catalyst for change by being a dynamic, inclusive and locally-driven platform on responsible AI in MENA serving as an effective tool for policy making, a vibrant hub for responsible AI practices connecting stakeholders and communities and the knowledge source on responsible AI as it pertains to everyone’s lives in the whole of the MENA Region.

The mission of the Observatory is to inform, influence and monitor policy making and practice as it pertains to responsible AI for development and inclusion in MENA. To promote a grounds-up gender inclusive approach, emphasizing local experiences, community engagement, and inclusion in all aspects of data collection and AI systems development. To raise awareness and fill gaps in knowledge on the responsible use of data and AI in a way that is in line with the nuances of the region. To connect communities – researchers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, civil society, educators, students and beneficiaries, by creating dynamic collaborative spaces that foster engagement between the different stakeholders to promote policy making that fulfills the promise of responsible AI for development. Finally, to champion MENA voices, values, and standards in responsible data and AI governance, regionally and globally and share experiences accordingly.

Since then, the Observatory has been featured in events with local, regional and international partners, including the OECD- African Union (AU) AI Dialogue held earlier in March 2024 in Paris, France, and the recent OECD- AU AI Dialogue 2.0 held in November 2024 in Cairo, Egypt.

The Observatory hosts and builds on A2K4D’s work related to technologies and development in the MENA region. Specifically since 2015, A2K4D has focused on themes related to data for development, responsible AI, feminist AI, women and digital labor, and the future of work and inclusion in the region.