Recognizing Africa’s innovation revolution: Leaders driving inclusive innovation receive Impact award

Solutions to some of society’s most important challenges require the right regulatory environment to drive innovation. Examples include pioneering models for access to educational...

Open AIR NERGs successfully defend PhD theses

This fall, two Open AIR New and Emerging Researchers Uchenna Ugwu and Sileshi Hirko successfully defended their PhD theses at the University of Ottawa. Food...

Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright

This 2010 edited volume, Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright, has chapters outlining the African Copyright and Access to Knowledge (ACA2K) network’s research findings on the copyright environments of eight African countries.

New Funding for the Open AIR Network

Open AIR leads the way on regulation for innovation in lower-income countries Open AIR is pleased to announce that we have been granted nearly $2...

L’accès au savoir en Afrique : le rôle du droit d’auteur

Ce livre, publié en 2011, permet de mieux saisir les enjeux juridiques et pratiques que posent les droits d’auteur pour l’accès au matériel didactique en Afrique et cerne les leçons apprises, les politiques et les pratiques susceptibles d’améliorer cet accès.

Knowledge and Innovation in Africa: Scenarios for the Future

This 2013 book is the product of three years of literature reviews, expert interviews and scenario-building exercises by the Open AIR network. The authors trace the contours of knowledge and innovation in Africa from the founding civilisations to today’s current realities, and then set out the drivers of change that can be expected to shape innovation systems on the continent between now and the year 2035.

Le réseau Open AIR, phare de l’innovation inclusive en Afrique, est décoré...

C’est dans un contexte réglementaire favorable à l’innovation qu’on peut trouver les solutions aux problèmes sociaux les plus pressants. Mentionnons à titre d’exemples la...