Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence – North Africa

Open AIR's Northern African hub, the Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) at the American University in Cairo, is conducting research on open...

Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence – Canada

In Canada, Open AIR’s hub is located within the Centre for Law, Technology and Society (CLTS) at the University of Ottawa (uOttawa). The Canadian...

The State of AI-Driven Humanitarian Big Data Governance and Law in...

Introduction In 2020, Ethiopia, a country that has faced a refugee crisis primarily because of long-term conflicts, experienced a deadly war that displaced many Ethiopians...

Alemshet Addisalem (Alex)

Alemshet Addisalem (Alex) is pursuing his Ph.D. studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa. His Ph.D. project explores the intersection of big...

Call for Papers on Generative Artificial Intelligence and Consumer-facing Technologies

Submissions Due June 15, 2024 The world’s longest-standing scientific conference on information technology management, the Hawaii Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS) is inviting participation at...