Fostering Information and Knowledge Access in the Digital Environment: A Situational...
Principal Investigators:
A/Prof. Dick Kawooya, School of Information Science, University of South Carolina, USA, [email protected]
A/Prof. Tobias Schonwetter, Department of Commercial Law, University of Cape Town,...
Open AIR’s Regulation for Innovation Project
Open AIR has just released a video, on our @Afrinnovation YouTube channel, highlighting the network’s current large research programme, “Regulation for Innovation Supporting Sustainable...
Open Opportunities for Globally Inclusive Biomedical Innovation
By Jeremy de Beer
Researchers from the Open African Innovation Research network, Open AIR, are investigating root regulatory causes of vaccine inequity and looking toward...
Governance of Data and Data-driven Technology
Authored by: Nagla Rizk, Tobias Schonwetter
This Open AIR Working Paper 29 explores governance challenges pertaining to data and data-driven technology, with emphasis on the...
2024 Global Health Security Conference Event
By Charlotte Galvani and Jeremy de Beer
Negotiations toward a new international treaty on pandemic preparedness and response have failed to reflect a rights-based consensus...
Policy Support for Makerspaces in Africa and Europe: mAkE Project Publishes...
By Chris Armstrong
The EU Horizon 2020-funded African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (mAkE) Project, in which Open AIR is an African partner, has published its flagship policy...
Strengthening Canada-Africa Relations: What Way Forward?
By Jeremy de Beer and Yvonne Ndelle
The recent conference hosted by the Canada Africa Parliamentary Association (CAAF) served as a pivotal platform for discussing...
Commemorating 75 Years of the UDHR: Advancing Health Justice in a...
By Bertina Lou
On December 8, 2023, the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was commemorated at the Advancing Health Justice...
À l’ère postpandémique, Open AIR cherche des solutions équitables aux freins à...
En 2013, le réseau Open AIR (Open African Innovation Research) publiait une étude prospective prévoyant un avenir ponctué de bouleversements, comme une pandémie catastrophique à l’échelle...
Open AIR Seeks Equitable Solutions to Post-pandemic Innovation Challenges
In 2013, Open AIR published foresight research anticipating a future shaped by shocks like a catastrophic global pandemic. During the decade since, Open AIR...