Nouveau financement pour le réseau Open AIR

Open AIR ouvre la voie à une réglementation sur l’innovation plus équitable Le Centre de recherche pour le développement international (CRDI) a octroyé à Open AIR près...

WIPO-IGC 45: Bold and Strategic Moves Toward TK and TCE Text(s)

By Chidi Oguamanam Buoyed by the July 2022 WIPO 62nd General Assembly decision that endorsed a Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources (GR) and Associated Traditional...

Lords of the Platforms: Beyond Banning Twitter, What else Should Nigeria...

By Adedamola Adediji It’s a flattened world! An offshoot of this is that political discourse, commercial transactions, and economic activities have mainly moved online. This...

Open AIR seeks equitable solutions to post-pandemic innovation challenges

In 2013, Open AIR published foresight research anticipating a future shaped by shocks like a catastrophic global pandemic. During the decade since, Open AIR...

COVID-19 and Vaccine Nationalism: Africa’s Pathway to Access

By Chidi Oguamanam* Except perhaps South Africa, credible statistics on the extent of the COVID-19 infection in African countries are lacking. Hypotheses on the rapid...

L’Afrique à l’épreuve de la Covid-19

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade En quatre semaines, la situation est devenue extrêmement alarmante sur le continent africain. « Les populations africaines vivent l’un des pires épisodes pandémiques...

Pourquoi la nouvelle proposition sur l’accès aux vaccins est-elle insuffisante ?

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade Enfin, une nouvelle proposition sur la vaccination gratuite et universelle est en discussion à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). L'Afrique du Sud,...

How NOT to Review a Research Paper: Reflections from Harvard Law...

By Jane Ezirigwe In late January, I had the privilege to be selected as one of the scholars to be part of the Harvard Law...

Positioning Women Entrepreneurs to harness IP for AfCFTA gains

By Philda Maiga A new dawn is upon Africa, following a decision on 5 December 2020 of the African Union Assembly to kickstart the trading...

Women Empowerment in Cybersecurity Workforce in Africa

By Dianah Ajuna Byaruhanga October was cybersecurity awareness month, and I was delighted to attend various cybersecurity conferences online throughout the whole month. I am...