Shannon Fournier is a graduate student with the School of International Development and Global Studies and the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa. She is currently in the process of finishing her thesis on the mobilization of human trafficking discourse as a mechanism of gendered and racialized control. Shannon holds an Honours BSSc in Criminology and Psychology and a graduate certificate in Victimology. Her area of expertise is in sexual and gender-based violence as it pertains to international policy and legislation.
Shannon is a member of Open AIR’s New and Emerging Researchers Group (NERG), helping to coordinate research into clean technologies and innovation. She has coordinated national research projects on SGBV for the National Centre for the Prosecution of Animal Cruelty, the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, and the Canadian Violence Link Coalition. Shannon is an active member of the World Society of Victimology and consults regularly on issues of SGBV at provincial, national, and international levels of policy and legislation.