Authored by: Yaw Adu-Gyamfi and Benson Adjei
Abstract: The informal-sector industrial cluster of Suame Magazine in Kumasi constitutes a major avenue for training, innovation, and knowledge-sharing for artisans in Ghana. Activities of Suame Magazine enterprises include metal cutting, grinding, drilling, welding, fabrication, repair of machines, motor vehicles, and other products; and also electrical and electronic repairs — all of which involve significant innovation and collaboration among artisans. This research seeks to find out how artisans acquire skills and knowledge and share innovation in an informal cluster noted for providing avenues for training for young people through the apprenticeship system, and where a formerly significant level of innovation is stagnating due to inability of artisans to keep pace with recent technology-driven advances in their sector of work. The authors explore the linkage between Suame Magazine and the global maker movement and makerspaces and offer recommendations for collaboration that will enhance acquisition of skills and knowledge and artisanal innovation.