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How NOT to Review a Research Paper: Reflections from Harvard Law School’s IGLP Writing...

By Jane Ezirigwe In late January, I had the privilege to be selected as one of the scholars to be part of the Harvard Law...

African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (mAkE) Project Completes Year 1

By Chris Armstrong The EU-funded African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (mAkE) project has now completed its first year of operation. Open AIR is one of several...

WIPO-IGC 45: Bold and Strategic Moves Toward TK and TCE Text(s)

By Chidi Oguamanam Buoyed by the July 2022 WIPO 62nd General Assembly decision that endorsed a Diplomatic Conference on Genetic Resources (GR) and Associated Traditional...

Opportunities from Côte d’Ivoire on Plastic Waste and the Blue Economy

By Ahou Rachel Koumi In 2019, my niece and I enjoyed a two-day outing to the famous beaches of Assinie, in Côte d'Ivoire. I have fond...

Regulation for Innovation: Conceptualising a Development Research Agenda for Inclusive and Sustainable Economies in...

This report scopes and builds towards a new research agenda on the regulation of innovation. Grounded in the findings of a 2021-22 Open AIR Scoping Study funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the report supports the development of a collaborative research programme to improve the regulation of innovations in priority areas including health, the digital economy, and clean technology.

WIPO-IGC 43: Logjam Over Two Genetic Resources Texts

By Chidi Oguamanam, cross-posted from ABS Canada Last Meeting on the GR Text Under the 2022-23 Biennium May 30-June 3, 2022: Delegates met in-person and virtually...

Pourquoi la nouvelle proposition sur l’accès aux vaccins est-elle insuffisante ?

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade Enfin, une nouvelle proposition sur la vaccination gratuite et universelle est en discussion à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). L'Afrique du Sud,...
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Attention aux accords internationaux d’investissement !!

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade À quelques semaines près, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce tiendra sa douzième conférence ministérielle pour discuter de plusieurs dossiers tant complexes qu’épineux, entre...

Opportunities for Women in Transformative Innovation and 4IR in Africa

By Pamela Mreji Since the beginning of time, women and men inventors and entrepreneurs have transformed our world through the power of their imagination and...

Digital Mandhwane: Enabling Inclusive Digital Transformation in Rural South Africa 

By Kgopotso Ditshego Magoro COVID-19 has exposed that, while the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) evangelists are preaching that we are experiencing a revolution, for many...