ICTs in Agricultural Production and Potential Deployment in Operationalising Geographical Indications...

Authored by: Tesh W. Dagne and Chidi Oguamanam Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the role that agricultural information and communication technologies...

Place-Based Branding for Locally Specific Products

Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014 Download: Briefing Note: Place-Based Branding for Locally Specific Products (392KB) This 2014 Briefing Note outlines findings from Open AIR...

Genetic Resources, Justice and Reconciliation: Canada and Global Access and Benefit...

Edited by: Chidi Oguamanam. When the oral history of a medicinal plant as a genetic resource is used to develop a blockbuster drug, how is the contribution of Indigenous Peoples recognized in research and commercialization? What other ethical, legal, and policy issues come into play? Is it accurate for countries to self-identify as users or providers of genetic resources?

ICT strategy development: from design to implementation case of Egypt

ICT strategy development from start to finish, from design to implementation should cater to the different needs of the community whether it is societal, economic, business and political with an aim to realize universal access to optimize the impact in terms of scalability and sustainability.

Innovation and Scaling by Tech Hubs and Their Hosted Startups: Three...

Authored by: Lucienne Abrahams Abstract: This Working Paper sets out a view of the nature of three South African tech hubs, their modes of knowledge...

Open Innovation in Development: Integrating Theory and Practice Across Open Science,...

Authored by: Jeremy de Beer Abstract: This article integrates the concepts of open innovation and open development. It extends the theory of open development beyond...

Managing Benefits from Traditional Knowledge (TK)

Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014Download: Briefing Note: Managing Benefits from Traditional Knowledge (TK) (403kb) This 2014 Briefing Note highlights the findings from Open AIR research...

Annual Report 2018

In 2018 the theme of Open AIR's Annual Report is "Insights on scaling African innovation". We aim to solve a scalability problem at the heart...

Optimising Benefits from Publicly Funded Research

Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014Download: Optimising Benefits from Publicly Funded Research (323) This 2014 Briefing Note highlights Open AIR research findings on apparent disconnects between...

A Data Commons for Food Security

Agricultural data is globally recognized for its importance in addressing food insecurity. We propose a ‘data commons’, formed through a licensing model that allows farmers to benefit from the datasets to which they contribute.