L’accès au savoir en Afrique : le rôle du droit d’auteur
Ce livre, publié en 2011, permet de mieux saisir les enjeux juridiques et pratiques que posent les droits d’auteur pour l’accès au matériel didactique en Afrique et cerne les leçons apprises, les politiques et les pratiques susceptibles d’améliorer cet accès.
Annual Report 2016
2016 saw Open AIR moving "From Project to Partnerships".
Open AIR’s primary goal is to uncover new insights in the balance between intellectual property (IP)...
Marginalisation of Indigenous Knowledge in African Education: The Case of Rwandan...
Authored by: Chika Ezeanya-Esiobu, Chidi Oguamanam and Vedaste Ndungutse
Abstract: This study explores the use of Indigenous medicinal knowledge by rural Rwandan livestock farmers to treat...
Three Centuries and Counting: The Emergence and Development of Intellectual Property...
Authored by: Caroline Ncube. This chapter provides an historical account of the development of IP on the African continent which highlights how the introduction of IP systems and their transposed legislation displaced existing knowledge governance systems and entrenched a primarily extractor-biased IP system.
Science, Technology & Innovation and Intellectual Property
2020 was an eventful year for the whole world, as a public health and economic crisis raged, bringing to the fore the perennial challenge of how to craft and use Intellectual Property (IP) institutions, law, policies and practices, collectively ‘IP frameworks’ to add to efforts to achieve sustainable development, and to consider recovery paths for economies. This coincided with intensified efforts to boost intra-African trade and enhance regional integration through the Agreement on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)and the entry of the US into negotiations for a bilateral FTA with Kenya. This book engages with this challenge in its six chapters.
Annual Report 2018
In 2018 the theme of Open AIR's Annual Report is "Insights on scaling African innovation".
We aim to solve a scalability problem at the heart...
Complexities of Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship by Two Indigenous Organisations...
Authored by: Britta Rutert and Cath Traynor
Abstract: In this Working Paper, we present our findings in respect of the innovative and entrepreneurial behaviour...
Perspectives on Research Excellence in the Global South: assessment, monitoring and...
This paper discusses various features of research excellence (RE) in Africa, framed within the context of African science granting councils (SCGs) and pan-African RE initiatives.
Modes of Innovation and Enterprise Development by Nairobi’s Mobile Tech Startups
Authored by: Victor Nzomo, Jacquiline Mwangi, Louisa Matu-Mureithi, Caroline Wanjiru Muchiri, and Isaac Rutenberg
Abstract: This paper sets out findings from research into innovation dynamics...
Leap 4.0 – African Perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The 4IR is well established in many parts of the world, with technological advances driving profound social and economic change. However, for many developing countries, particularly countries in Africa, the 4IR may not offer the anticipated 'leap' forward.
This book seeks to identify the challenges and opportunities the 4IR presents to South Africa and the rest of the African continent, especially to workers and marginalised sectors of society.