Human Rights, Digital Society and the Law

This book explores the main fundamental issues and practical dimensions related to the safeguarding of human rights in the internet, which are at the focus of current academic debates.

Annual Report 2016

2016 saw Open AIR moving "From Project to Partnerships". Open AIR’s primary goal is to uncover new insights in the balance between intellectual property (IP)...

Innovation and Intellectual Property: Collaborative Dynamics in Africa

Editors: Jeremy de Beer, Chris Armstrong, Chidi Oguamanam and Tobias SchonwetterPublication Date: 2014Download: Innovation and Intellectual Property: Collaborative Dynamics in Africa (PDF, EPUB) Innovation and...

Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: Assessing Regional Integration in Africa (ARIA...

To assist trade policymakers in the development of a framework, this paper explores IP issues, perspectives, and priorities related to both the CFTA and PAIPO. It suggests that process and substance issues are each important to create fair and balanced IP systems on the continent that stimulate innovation, growth, and competition.

The Nollywood Phenomenon: Innovation, Openness and Technical Opportunism in the Modeling...

Authored by: Chidi Oguamanam Abstract: The Nigerian movie industry, known as Nollywood, has attracted an impressive degree of research interest since its debut in the 1990s,...

MSMEs and Open Collaborative Innovation in Botswana

Authored by: Njoku Ola Ama and Francis Nathan Okurut Abstract: This study explores the adoption, by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Botswana, of...

Annual Report 2020

In 2020 the theme of the Annual Report is “Resilience”. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Open AIR made significant research progress. Field research was...

Knowledge and Innovation in Africa: Scenarios for the Future

This 2013 book is the product of three years of literature reviews, expert interviews and scenario-building exercises by the Open AIR network. The authors trace the contours of knowledge and innovation in Africa from the founding civilisations to today’s current realities, and then set out the drivers of change that can be expected to shape innovation systems on the continent between now and the year 2035.

Determinants of Innovation in Ethiopian Informal-Sector Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)

Authored by: Wondwossen Belete Abstract: This Working Paper examines the main factors affecting the process of learning and innovation in informal-sector micro and small enterprises...

Cyber Law in Kenya

Isaac Rutenberg’s publication co-authored with Michael Murungi, Cyber Law in Kenya (2nd edition), was published in March 2019. This book is a practical guide...