The African Journal of Information and Communication: Thematic Issue: Collaborative Innovation...
Produced in partnership with Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR), this AJIC Thematic Issue: Collaborative Innovation in African Settings features findings from research conducted by...
A Framework for Assessing Technology Hubs in Africa
Authored by: Jeremy de Beer, Paula Millar, Jacquelene Mwangi, Victor Nzomo, and Isaac Rutenberg
Abstract: This article fills a gap in the research on technology hubs...
Inclusive Trade in Africa: The African Continental Free Trade Area in...
Four Open AIR Steering Committee members from two different hubs, authored a chapter on the new African Continetal Free Trade Area.
Managing Benefits from Traditional Knowledge (TK)
Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014Download: Briefing Note: Managing Benefits from Traditional Knowledge (TK) (403kb)
This 2014 Briefing Note highlights the findings from Open AIR research...
Innovation and Scaling by Tech Hubs and Their Hosted Startups: Three...
Authored by: Lucienne Abrahams
Abstract: This Working Paper sets out a view of the nature of three South African tech hubs, their modes of knowledge...
Shaping the Future of Makerspaces in Africa and Europe: Recommendations for...
The EU Horizon 2020-funded African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (mAkE) Project, in which Open AIR is an African partner, has published its flagship policy report, Shaping the...
Tensions Related to Openness in Researching Indigenous Peoples’ Knowledge Systems and...
Contextualizing Openness: Situating Open Science
Edited by Leslie Chan
Angela Okune, Rebecca Hillyer, denise Albornoz, and Alejandro Possada
Published by Ottawa Press
Available online from the IDRC Canada.
Genetic Resources, Justice and Reconciliation: Canada and Global Access and Benefit...
Edited by: Chidi Oguamanam. When the oral history of a medicinal plant as a genetic resource is used to develop a blockbuster drug, how is the contribution of Indigenous Peoples recognized in research and commercialization? What other ethical, legal, and policy issues come into play? Is it accurate for countries to self-identify as users or providers of genetic resources?
The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright in Street Art and Graffiti
Tobias Schonwetter and Bram van Wiele contributed a chapter in The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright in Street Art and Graffiti, examining how South African...
The Intellectual Property Treaty Landscape in Africa, 1885 to 2015
This paper maps the 130-year history of the IP treaty landscape governing the protection of, and access to, knowledge in Africa.