Chukwuka completed his LL.M. with a Concentration in Law and Technology in 2020 at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Currently, Chukwuka is a Research Consultant with the Open AIR network. Chukwuka’s knowledge and understanding of the intersection of law, technology, and policyin addressing contemporary problems, whether regulation is needed, and what kind of regulation is quite outstanding and commendable. During his time at the University of Ottawa, he worked with the Centre for Law, Technology and Society, the Open AIR network, and the ABS Canada project on traditional knowledge and intellectual property. Chukwuka previously completed an internship with the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC), where he examined the ramifications of the application of facial recognition technologies by Facebook on privacy and other human and civil rights; not only was this research topical for Canada, it resonated with emerging democracies that could potentially benefit from studying the Canadian model.
Chukwuka obtained an LL.B. from Anambra State University in Nigeria in 2014. In 2015, he was admitted to the Nigerian Bar as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Chukwuka then practiced with Blackfriars Solicitors, where he advised clients on patents, industrial design, copyright, and trademark matters. Once he began his studies in Canada, Chukwuka demonstrated a flair for research in law and technology with consideration to modelling Canada’s experiences and scaling them up in select countries of the global south, making him a valuable contributor to Open AIR’s research team.