Meghan Blom holds a M.A. in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, with a specialization in International Development Policy. Her Bachelor degree was obtained at University of Guelph in International Development Studies, with an emphasis on Rural and Agricultural Development. During her undergraduate degree, Meghan was a Research Assistant examining sustainable foods including the transferability of genetically modified crops to Kenya and Uganda. She has since worked in Ghana on building access to entrepreneurial knowledge and business skills for students in addition to working on a project reducing the stigma surrounding HIV positive individuals. Most recently, she was an Intern with the Post-2015 Data Test project analyzing ways in which the private sector can support SMEs in low and middle-income countries as well as examining the performance of Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries’ aid policies. Meghan is currently completing a law degree at the University of Ottawa, with her main interest in understanding the ways in which law and governance shape the equitable access to technology and knowledge, as well as the different ways the law impacts upon socioeconomic development.