La guerre des vaccins et les droits de propriété intellectuelle

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade En Octobre 2020, l’Afrique du Sud et l’Inde ont proposé aux États membres de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) de suspendre les...

Africa and COVID-19

The author - Chidi Oguamanam
By Chidi Oguamanam As an African and a Canadian, I inhabit an observatory. I am a resident in two worlds of blunt contrasts. On a good note,...

Pourquoi la nouvelle proposition sur l’accès aux vaccins est-elle insuffisante ?

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade Enfin, une nouvelle proposition sur la vaccination gratuite et universelle est en discussion à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). L'Afrique du Sud,...

Le Big Pharma a-t-il raison de freiner des quatre fers ?

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade Sans pour autant être d’un optimisme béat ni sombrer dans un pessimisme démesuré, il est clair que la dérogation aux droits de...

À l’ère postpandémique, Open AIR cherche des solutions équitables aux freins à...

En 2013, le réseau Open AIR (Open African Innovation Research) publiait une étude prospective prévoyant un avenir ponctué de bouleversements, comme une pandémie catastrophique à l’échelle...

COVID-19 and Vaccine Nationalism: Africa’s Pathway to Access

By Chidi Oguamanam* Except perhaps South Africa, credible statistics on the extent of the COVID-19 infection in African countries are lacking. Hypotheses on the rapid...

New Funding for the Open AIR Network

Open AIR leads the way on regulation for innovation in lower-income countries Open AIR is pleased to announce that we have been granted nearly $2...

Expedited COVID-19 R&D: Indigenous Knowledge and ABS Imperative

With the world on edge as the COVID-19 crisis progresses, the scientific community has sprung into gear in search of an effective treatment. Research and Development (R&D) is progressing at unprecedented speeds. Amidst this rapid development, traditional knowledge plays a significant role in scientific endeavours. Through traditional knowledge, medical researchers can gain guidance and inspiration and bypass prolonged and expensive scatter-gun approaches to R&D.

Vulnerabilities Exposed: COVID-19 and Informal Livelihoods in Egypt

By Nagla Rizk This article was originally published by Medium “I wish they let us move and to end the curfew, so we go to work....

Covid-19 Digital Health Innovations: The African Context

By Chukwuka Okwuosa, Nailah Ramsoomair, and Chidi Oguamanam “Dealing with health and economic challenges of Covid-19 has made one point abundantly clear for African countries...