Innovation Linkages between Formal and Informal Sectors

Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014Download: Open A.I.R. Briefing Note: Innovation Linkages between Formal and Informal Sectors (360kb) This 2014 Briefing Note highlights the findings from...

Attention aux accords internationaux d’investissement !!

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Par Abdelhamid Benhmade À quelques semaines près, l’Organisation mondiale du commerce tiendra sa douzième conférence ministérielle pour discuter de plusieurs dossiers tant complexes qu’épineux, entre...

Opportunities from Côte d’Ivoire on Plastic Waste and the Blue Economy

By Ahou Rachel Koumi In 2019, my niece and I enjoyed a two-day outing to the famous beaches of Assinie, in Côte d'Ivoire. I have fond...

The Intellectual Property Treaty Landscape in Africa, 1885 to 2015

This paper maps the 130-year history of the IP treaty landscape governing the protection of, and access to, knowledge in Africa.

African Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

By Chidi Oguamanam The third industrial revolution (3IR) provided perhaps the most significant insights into Africa’s potential to fast-track its sustainable development. As with previous industrial revolutions,...

Makerspaces and Creativity

Looking back at Open AIR’s ‘Making’ Innovation Happen roundtable By Sean Boots In mid August, Open AIR hosted a roundtable discussion on makerspaces and innovation hubs in...

Open AIR Expansion au Maroc

By Sara Yassine  Au cours des six derniers mois, le laboratoire de recherche « Entrepreneuriat et Management des Organisations » (LABO-EMO) et Open AIR ont discuté la...

Place-Based Branding for Locally Specific Products

Published by Open AIRPublication Date: 2014 Download: Briefing Note: Place-Based Branding for Locally Specific Products (392KB) This 2014 Briefing Note outlines findings from Open AIR...

L’innovation au service de l’informel à l’ère de la COVID-19

Par : Abdelhamid Benhmade La COVID-19, et si nous en profitons pour renouer des liens plus étroits avec l’informel? Nombreuses sont les personnes frappées de...

Harnessing Digital Agriculture to Advance African Food Security: Open AIR Research...

By Uchenna Felicia Ugwu Achieving global food security will require innovation. Processes like plant phenotyping and technologies like digital imaging are examples of innovation that...