Artificial Intelligence in Africa: An Overview of ongoing Open AIR Activities

By Nagham El Houssamy and Nadine Weheba This is part one in a three part series. For part two, click here. Part three can be...

The absence of gender analysis in AI and its implications for...

By Akkila Thirukesan Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been an exciting tool for development across the continent of Africa. But what does AI have to do with...

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in Southwest States of Nigeria

By Esther Adekunbi Gender equality is a very important issue in today’s world, while also a fraught debate. Gender equality can be achieved when men and women...

The Maker Movement in Gauteng Province, South Africa

This paper sets out findings from research into the dynamics of the emerging “maker” movement in South Africa’s Gauteng Province. The authors position the maker movement as a potentially strong contributor to, and manifestation of, informal-sector innovation on the African continent.

Vulnerabilities Exposed: COVID-19 and Informal Livelihoods in Egypt

By Nagla Rizk This article was originally published by Medium “I wish they let us move and to end the curfew, so we go to work....

The Maker Movement Across North Africa

Authored by: Nagham ElHoussamy and Dr. Nagla Rizk Abstract: This Working Paper sets out findings from research exploring the growing maker movement across North Africa, focusing...

The potential of STI for inclusive and sustainable development in Africa:...

By Wondwossen Belete Late last year, I attended four events concerning science, technology, and innovation in Africa. I was honored to be a speaker in three of...

Exploring gender through African oral traditions

By Vanessa Turyatunga Language shapes and reveals aspects of different cultures and identities. Through my Masters’ work on Yoruba religion, it has become evident to...

The role of intellectual property rights as a development tool for...

By Esther Ekong Despite the very significant role women entrepreneurs in developing countries play, their businesses lack financial security, which in turn stymies their economic growth. This is...

A Data Commons for Food Security

Agricultural data is globally recognized for its importance in addressing food insecurity. We propose a ‘data commons’, formed through a licensing model that allows farmers to benefit from the datasets to which they contribute.