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Lords of the Platforms: Beyond Banning Twitter, What else Should Nigeria do?

By Adedamola Adediji It’s a flattened world! An offshoot of this is that political discourse, commercial transactions, and economic activities have mainly moved online. This...

Access to COVID-19 Vaccines: the Patent Freeze Proposal and a New Global Strategy

By Chidi Oguamanam and Sarah O’Flaherty The State of Affairs As the vaccination rate rises in Canada and other developed nations, developing countries globally continue to record an...

From Africa to the World: Unlocking Barriers for Women to Trade

By Philda Maiga Trade is considered an important engine for growth. Studies have shown that trade can dramatically improve women’s lives, create jobs, and increase...

Intellectual Property and Women Economic empowerment in the local Community through GSWIM

By Lilian Nantume* The education and dissemination of knowledge about Intellectual Property Rights for small women-owned businesses in Uganda is still in its infancy. Unfortunately,...

La relance économique passe par la vaccination gratuite et universelle

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade La guerre des vaccins est-elle désormais plus coûteuse que la guerre contre la pandémie ? Sans doute, la production de plusieurs vaccins...

A Reflection on the Gendered Perspectives of the Innovation Paradigm in South Africa’s Makerspaces

By Ghati Nyehita My ongoing Open AIR, Queen Elizabeth Scholar - Advanced Scholars (QES-AS), research project discusses the extent which South Africa’s copyright and design laws...

Trickles and Spouts: Translating Research on Intellectual Properties to Women’s Entrepreneurship

By Esther Ekong I am currently conducting my PhD research about Nigerian women entrepreneurs in ongoing global debates about the role of intellectual property (IP)...

La guerre des vaccins et les droits de propriété intellectuelle

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade En Octobre 2020, l’Afrique du Sud et l’Inde ont proposé aux États membres de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) de suspendre les...

The African Journal of Information and Communication, Issue 26, 2020

Produced in partnership with Open African Innovation Research (Open AIR), this AJIC Thematic Issue: Collaborative Innovation in African Settings features findings from research conducted by...

Open AIR initie un débat intra-africain sur l’informel à l’ère de la Covid-19 en...

Par Abdelhamid Benhmade En collaboration avec le Centre de recherche en droit, technologie et société (CDTS), DST/NRF/ Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, et,...