Secteur informel Sénégalais : après la crise, la survie
Par Aboubacry Kane
Le secteur informel ignoré par le plan de relance économique
La pandémie du Covid-19 continue toujours de sévir dans le monde. Après plusieurs...
Vulnerabilities Exposed: COVID-19 and Informal Livelihoods in Egypt
By Nagla Rizk
This article was originally published by Medium
“I wish they let us move and to end the curfew, so we go to work....
Working around the Gender Gap in Intellectual Property Regimes: Empowerment of Women Beadworkers through...
Authored by: Desmond Osaretin Oriakhogba
Abstract : This case study explored the empowerment, innovation, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property (IP) dynamics at play in the work...
Contributions des markers d’ici et d’ailleurs à la lutte contre la crise du COVID...
Par Ahou Rachel Koumi et Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou
Ceci constitue la deuxième partie d’une série de trois. Pour la première partie, cliquez ici. La...
Multi-territorial digital copyright licensing within the AfCFTA
By Desmond Oriakhogba and Chijioke Okorie
There is no generally accepted definition of digital trade. However, there is increasing recognition of the fact that digital...
L’innovation au service de l’informel à l’ère de la COVID-19
Par : Abdelhamid Benhmade
La COVID-19, et si nous en profitons pour renouer des liens plus étroits avec l’informel? Nombreuses sont les personnes frappées de...
Universités et Instituts de Recherche de Côte d’Ivoire en mode DIY, créativité et numérique...
Par Ahou Rachel Koumi
La COVID-19 apparue en décembre 2019 à Wuhan en Chine a atteint tous les continents. La maladie s’est déplacée d’homme à homme,...
A Day Out in Wanyori Community
The purpose of my visit was to seek the permission of the community members to conduct research in their community and to fix an appointment with the women. It was a short visit since I needed to introduce myself to the women and also brief them on the purpose of the visit.
Expedited COVID-19 R&D: Indigenous Knowledge and ABS Imperative
With the world on edge as the COVID-19 crisis progresses, the scientific community has sprung into gear in search of an effective treatment. Research and Development (R&D) is progressing at unprecedented speeds. Amidst this rapid development, traditional knowledge plays a significant role in scientific endeavours. Through traditional knowledge, medical researchers can gain guidance and inspiration and bypass prolonged and expensive scatter-gun approaches to R&D.