Annual Report 2020

In 2020 the theme of the Annual Report is “Resilience”. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Open AIR made significant research progress. Field research was...

Interim Report 2021

First/Third World COVID-19 Vaccination Divide The COVID-19 pandemic has continued to disrupt Open AIR activities. Certain of our research activities have had to be postponed,...

Annual Report 2016

2016 saw Open AIR moving "From Project to Partnerships". Open AIR’s primary goal is to uncover new insights in the balance between intellectual property (IP)...

Annual Report 2019

Open AIR Annual Report 2019 Cover
The Open AIR network moved into a new phase of research – we refocused our research questions based on the results of our initial activities and rescoped emerging priorities for our next three years.

Annual Report 2022

This report features Open AIR researchers’ extensive recent outputs—including books, book chapters, journal articles, reports, policy engagements, conference presentations, and blogs—in five thematic clusters,...

Annual Report 2017

"From Startup to Scaleup: New Research on African Innovation" is the theme of the 2017 Annual Report. Open AIR’s African-centered research calls attention to the...

Annual Report 2018

In 2018 the theme of Open AIR's Annual Report is "Insights on scaling African innovation". We aim to solve a scalability problem at the heart...